AI-Powered Lead Generation Software to get qualified leads from Reddit

Find relevant conversations on Reddit and get more leads with alerts to your email and Slack workspace. 

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Early stage growth = doing things that don't scale.
But every pro has good tools!

Lead Generation Tool For Reddit

Reddit is still an underrated channel for acquiring new users. Still, you must find relevant conversations to add value and plug your solution if it makes sense. We used to do this manually, then tried a few solutions but ultimately decided to build our AI-driven solution called Surfkey. It gives you only relevant Reddit threads, subreddits, and comments to engage in and acquire qualified users. 

Get Relevant Results Fast

Type your keyword

Quick AI Setup

No need to start with a blank page, just paste in your website URL and we will find the most relevant subreddits, threads and comments for you to get involved.

Scope by subreddit

Simple Filtering

We give you the most relevant results but sometimes it still makes sense to manually exclude some users or subreddits to improve it even further. 

Get relevant alerts

Start Engaging

Once we give you the relevant Reddit conversations, it's time to get involved. Make sure always to provide value first and then plug your solution if it makes sense.

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Why Reddit for generating leads?

🎯 Highly Qualified

Joining a relevant Reddit conversation in your niche means you're seeing a post from someone struggling to solve exactly the same problem your product solves.

Join relevant conversations

🐣 Early-stage

It just makes sense, especially for early-stage growth. You need to show up every day before your bigger channels kick in and get to the first 1, 10 or 100 users.

Grow early stage product

🧐 Research

It also allows you do to a market research at the same time. The same threads will probably include a lot of data about your problem space and competitors.

Learn about your problem space

🧃 SEO juice

Reddit is also strong for backlinking so if you get a lot of click on one comment, it can significantly boost your SEO. 

Get some juice!

What is lead generation software?

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It's a software for finding and acquiring new users to your product. Surfkey specifically is niched down for Reddit as it's one of the most underrated channels for finding new qualified customers.

What is the best lead generation software?

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There are a few but we believe that Surfkey is up there as it feeds you super relevant Reddit discussions from your niche and problem space and you can get easily involved and acquire new leads. It's also amazing for research and driving word of mouth.

How does lead generation software work?

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With Surfkey you just paste your website URL or product description and we use AI to find relevant conversations in your niche and problem space. People struggling to solve a problem your product solves or valuable data about your competitors. It's a cheat code.

Doesn't Reddit hate self promotion?

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Each subreddit has its own set of rules and moderators. Some of them are more lenient and some are a bit more strict. However, if you always make sure to be helpful, provide value first and only plug your solution if it makes sense, you should be alright. We are using this strategy for all our products and never had an issue.

Lead Generation Software

Surfkey lets you easily find relevant conversations on Reddit about your niche, problem space and people struggling to solve the very problem your product solves. Just paste in your website URL or description of your product and we will find relevant Reddit threads, subreddits and comments and send alerts to your inbox and Slack workspace. Try Surfkey now and get more leads from Reddit.

Get Leads from Reddit